Ministry of Truth

In Blog, Politicsby Fedayn7 Comments

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The Conservative Party has attempted to erase a 10-year backlog of speeches from the internet, including pledges for a new kind of transparent politics the prime minister and chancellor made when they were campaigning for election.

On Wednesday, Computer Weekly reported that a 10-year backlog of material dating from before 2010 had been removed from the party website. It was also claimed the material had been made inaccessible from search engines at some point after October 5.

(read the full article here)

This kind of censoring of history is something akin to Fine Gael’s own Recdep altering all their websites to remove the famous ‘Five Point Plan’ they were elected on. Ignorance is Truth.  We have always been at war with Eastasia.

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Remember the ‘5 Point Plan’? Nope, nor do we….


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How about a look at those ‘Reinventing Government’ PDFs…and they’re gone!


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Well let’s look at those Policy Proposals on the Galway Site…oh linky no worky!


  1. Not a supporter of this lot but I got it first go.…/5%20Point%20Plan%…
    FIne GaeL’s 5 PoInt PLan For recovery l 3. Table of Contents. Executive Summary. 4. 1 Growth and Jobs. 6. NewERA: A …

  2. I wouldn’t ask the devil to write their own reference;-).

  3. Ignorance is strength, but we’ll let you away with, it’s or a good cause. :p

  4. Orwellian predictions alive and well in Ireland.

  5. I remember Joe O’Reilly in Cavan constantly calling it the 5 Pint plan, thought it sounded great at the time 😉

  6. Pingback: Fine Gael 404. :

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