SIPTU Calls On Members to Boycott Israeli Goods.

In Blog, Politicsby Fedayn9 Comments

Palestine exhibit in Liberty Hall, SIPTU's head office.

Palestine exhibit in Liberty Hall, SIPTU’s head office.

SIPTU, Ireland’s largest Trade Union with a membership of 200,000, has issued a statement calling on it’s members to boycott Israeli goods and participate in demonstrations until Israel withdraws from Gaza.

The call follows Mandate union’s approaches to major retailers to pursue a boycott of Israeli goods and not place workers in a position where they may feel they are jeopardising their employment by acting conscientiously and refusing to handle Israeli goods.

The statement makes demands of both their members and the government:

“We call on the Irish Government to exercise its influence and to use its vote at all times, in all international fora to maximise pressure on Israel, which is the aggressor in the conflict, to persuade it to comply with UN resolutions and international law generally and in particular to end the slaughter of the innocents in Gaza which is a heinous crime against humanity.

Moreover we call on the Government to immediately ban all trade with illegal Israeli settlements and to campaign relentlessly within the EU Institutions for the suspension of any trade agreements with Israel until such time as it places itself in compliance with UN resolutions and international law.

Meanwhile we call on all members to boycott Israeli goods and otherwise display their solidarity with the beleaguered people of Palestine and in particular those enduring the misery of the onslaught in Gaza by participating in the various protests, demonstrations and other civic actions taking place around the Country, until Israel withdraws from Gaza and ends its persecution of the Palestinian people.”

Read it in full over at the SIPTU website.


  1. Yes, a boycott during hopefully a lasting ceasefire. It’s over siptu. Tunnels destroyed and rockets from Hamas over.

  2. How can it be called a ceasefire when only one country is doing the killing. Hamas two bit rockets were rendered useless with the Dome of Israel and High Tech American weaponry. It is not a two sided war. One has no weapons or army the other armed to the teeth with the most equipped army in the world.

  3. How can it be called a ceasefire when only one country is doing the killing. Hamas two bit rockets were rendered useless with the Dome of Israel and High Tech American weaponry. It is not a two sided war. One has no weapons or army the other armed to the teeth with the most equipped army in the world.

  4. SIPTU my ass. I will never listen or follow what they says, as they never listen or follow or care a dam what workers in general and me in particular says or ask or need. Unless you go with the money ahead in your hand. No money no eaven listen to you . Easy.
    SIPTU is not a Union, is a business.

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