Any Moore News?

In Blogby Rashers TierneyLeave a Comment


Above: our man on the ground Fedayn sent us on these shots yesterday. The occupiers were anxious to show that they are keeping well out of the areas under scrutiny in order to avoid damaging the historical structure.





Campaigners gathered again yesterday down on Moore St to signal their opposition to whatever development mess is going on in the background.

Your feeds are no doubt clogging up with updates on the whole thing, but here’s a few bits we thought worth highlighting.

At some stage on Friday, Maureen O’Sullivan published a lengthy statement explaining how the government scuttled a vote on Moore St back on the 16th of December.

Here’s what she had to say:

“The “1916 Quarter Development Bill 2015″ quite simply would have meant that the 4 buildings which are part of the National Monument would not be surrounded by a shopping centre and the street would be preserved. I could not believe the Government would actively vote against this and pave the way for demolition of the street. We lost so much of Viking Dublin, Tara, the Mendicity Institution and we very nearly lost Kilmainham Gaol, are we now going to lose another significant historical area and for what – another shopping mall, another shopping centre in an area surrounded by shops and shopping centres when long time shops such as Clerys and Boyers stuggle/d to keep there doors open. While Nos. 14 to 17 Moore Street will be preserved as a national monument, that will be accompanied by the total obliteration of the laneways of history. They won’t build sufficient short term homes for our homeless but are willing to build shopping centre over our history? The only city based twentieth century battlefield site in all of Europe to survive and they want to knock it down!”

Richard Boyd Barrett also nailed the NAMA Republic in a fiery oration on the same day. Forget about the boring political speechifying of whatever A to B marches you’ve been on, this was electric stuff. While Cabra’s own Ciaran Perry called for the campaign to spread nationally.

Elsewhere, Mel MacGiobuin of Save Moore Street From Demolition campaign is looking for a right of reply to the Irish Times.

If you’re looking to get your head around the nightmarish vision the men of more property were pushing for Dublin, open up a few tabs on Archiseek’s coverage of the Carlton Cinema site debacle.

That skypark? Jaysus.

Send us your thoughts and reports.

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