Its that again – panic strikes and we realise we have to start getting another issue together to satiate the hunger of our readers.
We’ve been throwing a few ideas onto the frying pan to see how they sizzle. So far we are going to be taking a hardy look into the ins and outs of drug prohibition and harm reduction. That old hog of licensing hours and how it relates to the 1935 Dance Hall Act and the outcry over the immorality of good old sessions is going to be torn asunder. Also, we’ve a few plans up our sleeve for the centre spread that’ll really stick two fingers to authorities.
We’re upping our print run to 10,000 copies and knocking the page count up to 32 awesome chocker blocked pages of fire on Babylon outrage. So if you any of you enrages, delinquents and party goers have any ideas you’d like to see in rabble 5, now is really the time to get in touch.
If you are feeling a little stuck for something to say, we’ve got reams and reams of ideas written on a giant blackboard in the rabble bunker. Gis a shout and we can hook you up with an assignment like some sort of secret agent.Likewise, if you have an idea and are stuck for time, why not throw it over to us and we’ll see if we can get someone else to execute it. From our battle weary perspective, a lot of our best material is generated with a few heads are banged together.
This goes for articles, cartoons, illustrations and headbutting contests.At this stage you probably all know what sort of stuff we are looking for, if you don’t you’re probably stoned or use rabble to wipe your ass.
These are the deadlines. Please don’t take the piss with them or sit on stuff til the last minute. It’s not secondary school kids.
And don’t forget to read our contributors guidelines.
Monday October 1st: Open pitches deadline.
Writers, please send us in a sample paragraph or two as you’d like to see it go to print and a brief sketch. Illustrators can just tell us the idea, but send us a sample of previous work.
Sunday October 14: draft article deadline.
We expect a nearly finished article so the editors can give feedback and it can be sent for illustration.
If you hear any of your mates talking about wanting to get in on the rabble action, then they can enlist here.
Ah here…
leave ih ouh
…ye can’t do that – I haven’t even submitted anything yet.