So with the Richter Collective’s farewell party coming up on November 24th, it’s really the end of an era in the Irish indie community.
rabble got its grubby little hands on some stock from the label and will raffle it off to one of you lot..
Just fill out our survey here and it could be all yours.
We’ll notify the winner by email next Wednesday. The swag pack contains albums from the following Continuous Battle of Order, Adebisi Shank, Hands Up Who Wants To Die, Squarehead, Bats, The Redneck Manifesto, And So I Watch You From Afar, Kidd Blunt, Marven’s Revolt, Not Squares and the Vinny Club…
And no, we don’t have any free tickets to the gig.
You can buy them here. Get them quick folks, you don’t want to miss it.