Why is the Institute of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists and the Irish College of General Practitioners offering Continuing Medical Education points for attending the International Symposium of Maternal Health?
In case you missed it this is the same symposium that stated “We confirm that the prohibition of abortion does not affect, in any way, the availability of optimal care to pregnant women.” Well darn they got that one wrong!
For those of you that haven’t already guessed is a pro-life conference chaired by Professor Eamon O’Dwyer, Professor Emeritus, Gynaecology and Obstetrics, NUI Galway. This is the guy that bought us such treasures of Catholic doctrine as ‘What is Natural Law and What is its Bearing on Obstetrics and Gynaecology?’
And the importance of Continuing Medical Education points? Well they’re the points you need to tally up to show you are staying on top form in your job, like CPD. Of course it isn’t compulsory to attend this pro-life love in but it is pretty damn telling that your attendance could be viewed as ‘professional’ in dark-age Ireland.
Other sexy speakers included Prof Byron Calhoun, West Virginia University. Have a look at his thoughts here. Dr Jean Kagia, who has been very vocal in her support of the Bush administrations cuts to family planning services in her home country Kenya. And, Prof Priscilla Coleman author of the infamous Coleman Report, 2011, which linked abortion with mental problems in the women that had them. This report has been pretty extensively discredited by the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges longitudinal survey of all known data on mental health and abortion for not controlling for mental health problems prior to termination. FYI the AoMRC found no correlation between abortion and mental health issues in women unless they were previously present.
You can read reviews of their addresses and that of the other speakers here.
The bottom line here is that medical professional bodies in Ireland are awarding recognition for the continuing anti-abortion education of their members. WTF!!
We don’t know the views of those who treated Savita but how many women throughout this island have writhed in agony through protracted miscarriages because their health was secondary to the dying foetus inside them? How many women’s cancer care schedules have been dictated by trash they heard at this conference? How many women have had to travel to the UK to terminate pregnancies of non-viable foetuses because our health service, and its professional bodies, are not secular and not pro the life and health of women.
Full marks for Irish pro-life doctors http://t.co/Iioql7OD
That YD supporter who says he’s a consultant psychiatrist but seemed to have no interest in patient care was on the Late Late on Friday and had the cheek to mention the biased symposium as proof that abortion is never medically necessary! God he was such an arrogant arsehole about it. Then the other doctor pulled him up on it. Excellent
Full marks for Irish pro-life doctors http://t.co/o089HY5C
Full marks for Irish pro-life doctors http://t.co/aFRyi6kP