No doubt many of you rabble are awaiting acceptance letters from City Colleges, having jumped at the opportunity to study Journalism under the cultured hand of John Waters.
‘Journalism is more than a job. It is a passion, a life, a life’s work of engaging with the world. Journalists are not mere ‘processors of information’. They are also observers, interpreters, analysts, writers – and occasionally are called upon to be philosophers and poets as well! ‘ – apply here
Yes, begone facts. So long the mere who, where, what, when and let us welcome only the why.
‘This means placing yourself at the centre of the story, issue or situation, even if you never actually use the word “I” or “me”. The great journalists have in common the understanding that there is no such thing as “objectivity”, that the world is best understood by the human head and heart’
We’re actually crying reading this. Beautiful. The man who brought us the Eurovision, tackled Sinead O’Connor and braved the Ranelagh Ladies like a literary Batman can help you find your inner masculinist