Orla Tinsley, the freelance journalist and prominent advocate for Cystic Fibrosis sufferers has been caught in the latest round of cutbacks and fuckups from the HSE.
Her case gives a voice to the voiceless and highlights the life-threatening nature of the inadequacies of our health service.
In the latest chapter of this sorry tale Ms.Tinsley has presented at St.Vincent’s hospital with chest pains. CF patients are highly susceptible to infection and every effort must be made to keep them from possible infection. Her tweets this afternoon show that she has been offered a bed on the ‘MRSA ward’. 1 in 20 Irish hospital patients acquires an infection in hospital, such is the state of our system. The last place you would logically place a patient with immunity issues or the like is in the MRSA ward. Tinsley has been assured that while it is called a ward the MRSA wing is actually private cubicles.
We wish her well and encourage you rabble to keep up with the story via her twitter @orlatinsley