Your Household Tax Is Going To Good Use.

In Blog, Politicsby Rashers Tierney3 Comments

Thanks to @Bubblenoma

Ah right, so that explains the urgency around the household tax.


And just in case you forgot what Big Phil said about its introduction back in July:

“It is internationally accepted that local services are administered by local authorities and financed by local service charges. Ireland is now moving along a path to a local and sustainable funding base for local government. Effective local governance requires strong local decision making. This new funding system for local government will continue to allow local authorities to prioritise expenditure to meet locally identified needs as part of the local authority’s budgetary process, making for a more efficient, accountable and effective funding system. This is local democracy in action.”

A wee google around tells me that Thomas Kinsella who tops this poll of self serving, is best known for using his casting vote to nominate Dana for the presidency. Paton who comes in at number 2 on the list, is a cheer leader for that most hopeless of events The Gathering.

The Irish Independent carried an interesting story back in September about how our Councillors are making pigs of themselves at the public trough.

An Irish Independent investigation reveals that our part-time politicians were paid an average of €31,600 each in salary, allowances, expenses and fees for sitting on a range of public bodies. Many of these councillors earned this cash on top of their day jobs.

However, others have made a full-time living out of what is supposed to be a part-time role. A major trawl of financial records held by almost 200 public bodies revealed very high – but legitimate – pay and expense packages claimed by some councillors.

The highest-earning councillor in the country received seven payments totalling €83,000 from five different bodies – his county council and four outside bodies, to which he was nominated by virtue of being a county councillor.


Read more here if you can stomach to.

Great stuff lads, mine is a tripple carvery, a pint and a half one. Make sure you keep the receipt.


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