Youth Defence shoot their load on new billboard campaign

Multiple Orgasms with Youth Defence

In Blog, Humourby Fedayn41 Comments

Youth Defence shoot their load on new billboard campaign

Youth Defence shoot their load on new billboard campaign

We’ve seen Youth Defence and their far-right backers produce billboards full of women.

Women upset, women laughing alone with salad, women concentrating but always stock shots of women.

Now they’ve decided the most ‘contemplative’ man they could find is this chap.

Think it's time for a w...

Think it’s time for a w…

By a lovely tragedy of laziness he’s the stock model for this site – (click pic to go to


Orgasms galore with Youth Defence

Orgasms galore with Youth Defence


Oh the delicious irony of it all. Won’t somebody think of the children?!?


Hat tip to the Antiroom on Twitter and The Droid.


  1. RTE anti-Catholic? Pish! I knew they were going to have one, not surprised if men were targeted this time. John Mcguirk ought to go live in a seminary, preferably on an island somewhere. James Bannon should join him

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