We’ve seen Youth Defence and their far-right backers produce billboards full of women.
Women upset, women laughing alone with salad, women concentrating but always stock shots of women.
Now they’ve decided the most ‘contemplative’ man they could find is this chap.
By a lovely tragedy of laziness he’s the stock model for this site – (click pic to go to resultsformen.com)
Oh the delicious irony of it all. Won’t somebody think of the children?!?
Hat tip to the Antiroom on Twitter and The Droid.
LOL! Priceless.
Ah, fame at last, unacknowledged though it may be. https://twitter.com/weareie/status/278508400948674560
Is this their real new ad campaign or what? The middle picture I mean
😉 acknowledged now Droidus McMoidus, saw the link first on antiroom
lol. I know. Thats fine. Im happy to remain in the shadows where I belong.
BTW, you’d think with all those dollars they could rent a photographer and some unsuspecting models for an hour or two…
Yeah Kate – although there’s supposedly another American-funded major billboard campaign in the brewing. They might be doing an all out attack on our ‘liberal meeja’ alongside that what with John McGuirk’s list of lefty pro-abort journalist and that whole RTE IS ANTICATHOLIC thing – http://www.flickr.com/photos/paul_reynolds/8246434639/in/set-72157632177916694/
nooooo 😀
RTE anti-Catholic? Pish! I knew they were going to have one, not surprised if men were targeted this time. John Mcguirk ought to go live in a seminary, preferably on an island somewhere. James Bannon should join him
a semenary (giggles)
Meh, I’m not a Catholic, can’t be blamed for not knowing how to spell it (my spelling is usually tip-top)
oh yer spelling is fine kate…semen-ary was what we were getting at 😉
@hemantmehta fancy a giggle? When stock photos turn bad – multiple orgasm man in the fight against abortion in Ireland http://t.co/CnbA5FWn
Pingback: Never Mind | Broadsheet.ie
oh and thank you Gavin Titley … http://www.quickmeme.com/meme/3s58v3/
One for the Irish, this. “@Glinner: HA! RT @mePadraigReidy: Youth Defence may have made a mistake http://t.co/jzgS96IV”
what i treated like an incubator was actually her body
its bewildering how mind-numbingly stupid these people are.
http://t.co/mdd1Uscd every sperm is sacred.
Not forgetting this is the second time they’ve been scuppered for this: http://www.broadsheet.ie/2012/06/28/youth-defence-a-stock-response/
“@daraobriain: One for the Irish, this. “@Glinner: HA! RT @mePadraigReidy: Youth Defence may have made a mistake http://t.co/NZM09QeK”” HA
This is hilarious!! #youthdefence RT @wearerabble: Multiple Orgasms with Youth Defence
http://t.co/KWX0swkh http://t.co/8rQnNckE
Too too funny “@Jim_Sheridan: This has brightened my day :)) @mePadraigReidy: Youth Defence may have made a mistake http://t.co/51ofv7CM”
Youth Defence may have done a whoopsy 😀 http://t.co/RmmryF3N c/o @mePadraigReidy
this is AMAZING. youth defence, you lost the internet. http://t.co/NnOydU8r
@wearerabble @CoraSherlock @YouthDefence @actiononx @GalwayProChoice http://t.co/5KpsJgrj
An fear ag smaoineamh ar féin ROGHA? http://t.co/IOdNTG43
Teehee: http://t.co/GDwrIEpK
Men! Make yr GF come by learning how to do it longer, instead of learning what she likes. SIGH. http://t.co/fQdaEsev /via @Abortion_Rights
*Giggle* http://t.co/jorhRtpT #abortion
Hehe! http://t.co/Z5QQ6rKO
@theophani Including ‘sad guy’ picture? Taken straight from internet-boner-pills website. No, really: http://t.co/9PIayu7D
OK, this made me smile. – Multiple Orgasms with Youth Defence : rabble http://t.co/KOc8Zft4 #stockimages
Youth Defence and multiple orgasms – http://t.co/jicFEfUU
If #youthdefence send me one of their vile leaflets I’ll reciprocate with a leaflet about multiple orgasms http://t.co/6ey9hg2f #prochoice
this is funny…please youth defence,..when will you fuck off back to whatever repressive 15th century hole you… http://t.co/o2IYUdRT
Multiple Orgasms with Youth Defence http://t.co/Y4ptB9UT harhar
Youth Defence shoot their load on new billboard campaign
http://t.co/2EkSobSn, http://t.co/iK7CdK6a
Sociopaths are not even good liars anymore http://t.co/dshBYQTguQ #sinister #creepy #bigots #evil #dollarloving