Photo of the Day

In Blog, Cultureby Fedayn2 Comments

While most international eyes are on Italy and Irish eyes are on Croke Park it’s worth looking to the middle east where life and politics is acted out in the street more than in the boardroom.

Today’s photo grabbed from and featured here on shows a teenage boy shot twice with live ammunition by Israeli Defence Forces  as Palestinians and IDF clashed in the refugee camp of Aida in the West Bank town of Bethlehem.

Palestinians in their tens of thousands were marking the funeral of Arafat Jaradat, a 30yr old father of two whose wife is expecting another child. He was arrested, tortured and died over the weekend in the Meggido prison in northern Israel. Jaradat’s death was the lowpoint of another bad weekend for Palestinians as two others were seriously injured when shot in the face and body when settlers attacked their village.




  1. Poor lad, why do many people not see who the real terrorist are,? Oh yea they trust the mainstream media who are pro establishment, pro terrorism in which I mean pro-western allied forces.

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