Desperate grappling for power, destructive sociopathic (is that a word?!) sexual intrigue and the corridors of British Conservativism – all make for a a heady brew in House of Cards.
There’s been hapes of hype poured out online about how the Netflix streaming service has come of age, with its 14 episode remake of this original BBC series – all served up to satisfy the sort of TV binges we saw sketched in Portlandia.
We’ve just recovered from an all night furore into the remake, but the original is still worth a watch. It’ll leave you with goody bag of memorable quotes from the Machiavellian mastermind that is Francis Urquhurt and will leave you appreciating Fincher’s remake all the more.
Anyone care to throw a guess on how the Francis Urquhurt of the Dail would be? Our money is on Willie O’Dea. I’d say he could “put a bit of stick around.”
That rain shows no sign of abating, you may as well get stuck in. Lots more recommendations from us over at #rabbleReels
#rabbleReels So, who’d be the Francis Urquhurt of the Dail? Our money is on Willie O’Dea….
Peter Matthews.
It’s Micheál Martin. Slimy, self-obsessed, lying conniver.
Ah but I love the idea of a Willie ODea soliloquy…probably after murdering a load of pints, shaking his todger dry over a urinal…
You might think that, but I could not POSSIBLY comment.
Class show