We’re practically tripping over people using social media to bring previously private archives into the public domain these days.
One of our favorite pages doing this at the moment is the Dublin Dockers one. They’ve been busy bees, hosting talks and cultural events dedicated to flying the folk memory for the docklands area of the city. It looks like they’ve a rake of Lockout related activities throughout April as well. You’ll find details for these scattered across their Facebook page.
The Frank P Dunne photo above is from The Liffey’s Royal Blue – “a book of poems , stories, prose,ships, dockers, pubs , emigration and ballads 1945-1965.” The second photo is part of a set donated by an early supporter of the Dockers page.
Photos from the Dublin Port and Docks Board rarely come our way. So we are delighted to accept these pictures from Deirdre Leech , who was one of our earliest supporters. The photos feature Alex Leech who was a berthing master in the port.They cover a period from the 1950’s to the 1980’S, mainly functions and presentations. While these photos have great detail, ie. dates and places , names are needed.
Check out the full Frank P Dunne photo collection over here and the Deirdre Leech one here.
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