On Monday we published a tweet from Fianna Fáil’s Stephen Kearon which went a bit viral in Ireland. He expressed his gratitude to Thatcher and hoped that the 1981 Hunger Strikers had died painfully, a fairly typical Fianna Fáil attitude some will say.
Mr. Kearon is well known to the political types in Ireland, especially those in the South East. He is (or was until now) senior Wicklow Fianna Fáil PRO and former advisor to Environment Minister Dick Roche. He is probably most famous for ‘hosting’ a website at taxpayers’ expense that will surprise nobody who lived here during the Fianna Fáil regime. Read more on that here . He’s also appeared on Pat Kenny’s Frontline, although Plank didn’t introduce him as a FFugger.
His mealy-mouthed apology which says he spoke in a personal tweet to Niall Boylan of 4FM and was wrong to wish anyone a painful death has made the media today. The Wicklow News carries an apology from Kearon and an FF statement distancing themselves from him and claiming themselves as ‘The Republican Party’.
However, what offends us most is that he will definitely not be part of Fianna Fáil the way Seán Gallagher definitely wasn’t part of Fianna Fáil and in a year’s time they’ll be blaming ‘tweetgate’ for this poor man’s demise. Speaking of Seán Gallagher, do you like Stephen’s hat and leaflets?
They haven’t gone away you know
Delighted! Prick.
On (the now very quiet) Stephen Kearon http://t.co/ie4Hr40KMO @skearon
I like his cap tho
Absolute cunt.
Dick Roche???? Absolute cunt. Probably this prick organised the “attack” on him in Druid’s Glen!!!
We need to sit down with our Mothers, Fathers, Brothers, Sisters, Cousins, Friends, fuckers we don’t like and we need to have a serious discussion about politics in Ireland. I mean look at this fat fuckwit and imagine that he had a say in the running of your life. We need to decide what we want for our country or are we prepared to let FF back in at the next election. There are far too many absolute fuckwits involved in Politics, do you you remember “Fraping…is to be raped on facebook”. We have got to stop these parasitic morons. They know everything but yet they can’t do anything. We need to mature and take responsibility for our Country because do you really thing that a prick like this Michael Moore body double has any ability?