Fun Town: separate but equal

In Blog, Culture, Politicsby Fedayn2 Comments

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50 years ago Martin Luther King Jr. addressed the Zion Hill Baptist Church in Louisiana. Apartheid visited his little girl’s consciousness for the first time. In Israel today the amusement parks are operating the same racist apartheid policy.

In this speech, Dr. King recounts how he had to explain the concept of racism and segregation to his own daughter, Yolanda. Just six years old at the time, Yolanda desperately wants to go to the “Fun Town” amusement park — but her father must inform her that he cannot take her, because Fun Town is for whites only.

Superland is an amusement park in a city south of Tel Aviv. The following translation of a piece is carried in Mondoweiss and Haaretz and has been received with shock and disbelief from Israeli government officials and society – lol, jk, they don’t give a flying obviously and they actively support apartheid.

Superland management did not allow Ajyal school in Jaffa to book tickets for its students, this is according to Khaled Accra, a school teacher, in a letter he submitted this week to the heads of the educational administration.

On Tuesday Shakra called the Superland and asked to find out the costs of a fun day for the students. “I wanted to book 25 tickets,” he said. “I was asked about the date and was told that the cost is 52 shekels a ticket.We agreed on June 18th and the clerk inquired which school is it for. I replied it was ‘Ajyal’ and she said: ‘What?! What is it?! One moment please'”.

“I waited a few minutes on hold and surprisingly it was another person on the line who asked how she may help. I told her that we already settled the date and that I booked the tickets. All of a sudden she said that the agreed date was not available. She suggested another date, I agreed but then a moment later she said it was also reserved. She then said that she will check for available dates and get back to me”.

Shakra decided not to wait. Half an hour later he called the Superland again, introduced himself as Eyal, said that he was from a Jewish organization and asked whether he could reserve tickets for the group. “I got a positive response. The girl on the other end asked me ‘Which dates would you like to book? We have the 17th through the 19th of June available.’ I was shocked.”

Superland, who’s parent comany runs half a dozen racist theme parks across the occupied territoriesthen issued a statement saying that in June it reserves some days for Jewish high school students, other days for Arab high school students. Separate but equal, the familiar cry. Which of course is bollocks.


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