On the evening the Garda Síochana (Amendment) Bill 2013 was being debated in the Dáil, the government benches were left empty. Not a fuck was given. The Irish papers today are decrying the ‘Terrifying’ (Mirror) scenes as Pateen ‘was beset by a group of more than 40 splinter republican and left-wing supporters tonight as he tried to enjoy a pint’ (Irish Times). He was ‘jostled and abused’ (Irish Independent).
Harry McGee was particularly offended, won’t somebody think of the horses?! He singled out Eírígí, although they weren’t actually involved in the incident, and noted that they ‘prominently displayed tricolours’ – for shame! We know these northside types with their tricolours, not a single Jesuit oldboy amongst them. By the way, what are ‘left-wing supporters’?
When a few minutes shouting at a government minister (coincidentally his Broadcasting bill which will fine everyone with a home another €160 on top of the other makey-uppy taxes he’s imposed) is so uniformly decried you can imagine the press calling for martial law if we ever did have popular public protest.
Fat rabbit.
The “Mirror” could hardly be described as a newspaper never mind an Irish newspaper. Eirigi were there so not surprising they are mentioned and they are a dangerous group. The Broadcasting bill will replace the TV license which households have to pay anyway – there are very few households who do not have a TV. If you are against public service broadcasting then that is fair enough – just come out and say it, after all Sky / Fox do provide a comprehensive service – but updating the outdated TV License is not such a bad idea. Drawing attention to the poor attendance at the Dáil is fair enough – it is an ongoing disgrace……
Rabitte came out on top on this one, he remained calm and the protestors come off overly aggressive.
My guess is your removing Eirigi’s involvement so you can have a proper shot at Rabitte and support this type of protest.
Love your work Rabble but this is weak.
More of this type of protest needs to happen
Daniel maybe just maybe Rabble removed éirígí’s involvement in it because éirígí wasn’t there but hey why let the truth get in the way. So we now have people giving out because at long last someone is reporting the facts .