#outBeyond: Bigot Steak With A Side Of Hate

In Blog, Humour, Politicsby Fedayn2 Comments

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Meet Gary James, owner of America’s most bigoted ‘restaurant’.

Since appearing on Oklahoma news having banned a disabled customer (who had no problem with the racism and bigotry before his injury), Enid’s best diner – Gary’s Chicaro Club – the tin shack on the outside of town has been making more news than in it’s previous 40 years. Gays, muslims, blacks, hell even Democrats are not welcome and he has the t-shirts to prove it. 

Gary James, owner of Gary’s Chicaros in Enid, Oklahoma, said, “I’ve been in business 44 years, I think I can spot a freak or a faggot.” He said, “I really don’t want gays around. Any man that would compromise his own body would compromise anything.”

Check out some of the great reviews he’s received recently:


  1. “I really don’t want gays around. Any man that would compromise his own body would compromise anything.”
    Now we know what John Waters Valentines plans are.

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