#rabbleReels: Self Publishers Of The World Unite.

In Blogby Rashers Tierney1 Comment


Just when you thought social media and online blogs had decapitated the many headed hydra of zine culture – the photocopied bastards prove their resilience.

In Dublin this rebirth of zine culture can be seen around the edges of your Saturday flea markets or hipster crafts fair, with stalls hawking their self-published wares.  There’s even been two or three specific zine fairs in Dublin in recent memory.

Things seem busy across the pond too. This half hour Youtube video was made by Craig John Barr to showcase the zinesters that contribute to the Salford Zine Library. Dublin had it’s own Forgotten Zine Library a few years ago, it might now reside in Seomra Spraoi – but we’re none too sure how it’s been curated at the moment.

Props to Wingnut Records for the tip off.


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