It Was A Very Crusty Protest.

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They came armed with baguettes and supporters.

Paris Bakery Workers gathered at the Dail at 1pm. They rallied put pressure on the government to act and close a loop hole that has left their employer scarpering with a huge outstanding wage bill.

This from A Migrants Right Centre Press release:

Eduard Claihnet a spokesperson for the workers said “The owners refuse to wind up the company. This means that workers cannot access the Insolvency Fund. Our only hope is that the Revenue Commissioners close the company so we can get the money we are owed”.

Anissa Hosany, an employee with the bakery for over 3.5 years said “The owners stole our wages but are getting away scot free. We have been left with nothing and feel abandoned. It is unbelievable that what they did is not a crime in Ireland. If I put my hand in the till and stole money I would be prosecuted and punished. However stealing wages does not seem to be taken seriously”.

Ms Hosany continued “We know that this happens to lots of other workers. We want our experience to help make the situation better for others. The government needs to act quickly to change the law so that business owners can’t simply walk away from their failed businesses without winding it up. Workers who have been abandoned by these businesses should be allowed access to the Insolvency Fund.

Eduard Claihnet concluded “We are only asking for what we are owed, nothing more. The government has the power to make sure we get our money and Enda Kenny as the leader of the government must do something quickly”.

Read our interview with the MRCI.

Give the workers a follow on Facebook there.

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