When Greyhound Waste workers turned up for work two weeks ago they were told to take a 35% paycut or be locked out.
Scabs have replaced the drivers. TDs, councillors and activists are engaging in picket solidarity and are calling on the public for support.
This from Joan Collins TD on Facebook:
“Greyhound lockout.
Some information on what happened yesterday in more detail. I have had 5,500 hits on the page which shows great interest in this dispute and huge support for the Greyhound workers. Supporters are organising to have protests like yesterday across the city next week.
It might be useful to know what way it went for us yesterday. There were seven of us with posters and leaflets from the union and our own placards saying scabs out. We knew they were in the Drimnagh/Crumlin area and used three cars to go look for them. We found one in Drimnagh and converged on it. We stood in front of it and stopped it. We asked them “did you pass a picket this morning? Do you know you are strike breaking?”
We were met with shrugs and a ‘we know nothing’ routine. After about an hour the Guards arrived and said you can protest but you can’t stop the truck. We said ok, we’ll protest by walking in front of it. When the truck went down the Crumlin Road this caused a huge traffic jam and eventually the Guards said that’s enough and let the truck go. In all they didn’t pick up a bin for two hours.
There was great support from passing traffic and people on the pavement. In the afternoon we stopped another truck in Captain’s Avenue in Crumlin. This is a cul de sac and ideal for our protest. Again we held them for about an hour until the Guards arrived. We were able to go door to door with leaflets and get people out to see what was going on. The scabs were in no uncertain terms as to what people thought of them by the time they managed to get out of the estate.
We then stopped another group of scabs on Cashel Road, one of the main roads through Crumlin. The Guards arrived fairly quickly this time. We had a short discussion with them and they told us they had checked the situation and we could protest but couldn’t stop trucks and where it caused a traffic problem they would intervene.
We didn’t stop them completely but we slowed them down and made life difficult, and gave them dog’s abuse. We are aware that the stakes are very high in this dispute. Winning it is crucial not just for the greyhound workers or workers in the waste management industry, but for all workers in stopping the race to the bottom. That’s why it is important to do whatever you can and work with the union and the strike committee.”
I will be raising this dispute again in the Dail at leader’s questions tomorrow. Support the Greyhound workers. Scabs out!”
If you don’t wish to break the picket by using Greyhound services you can use the SDCC Ballymount waste & recycling service. Recycling is free and a car load of household general waste is €15.
Table Quiz on Thursday on Parnell St. if you can support the workers, see here for details.
Details of a fundraiser at bottom of blogpost
Is there something similiar to Ballymount for Dublin City residents?
Daniel McMahon