If you live in Dublin 8 or 15 you will most likely be aware of the UCKG ‘charity’. They’re anything but charitable.
A Brazilian founded Pentecostal (evangelical) organisation, they prey on people much as religions do. This particular bunch aggressively promote exorcism and pursue followers for a hefty tithe.
As far back as 2006, Edel Kennedy investigated them for the Independent:
“Based in Phibsboro in Dublin and led by Brazilian Pastor Alvaro Lima, members are offered help with banishing the ‘curse’ which is stopping them from being successful in their life.
Those who attend are asked for donations at the first meeting and are then requested to give 10pc of all they earn to the organisation. Envelopes are given for people to donate a ‘gift of love’ at the next meeting.
When asked for further details, Pastor Lima said he would not give any information about the organisation over the phone. “We don’t release information because sometimes the press misuse it,” he said. “They don’t use it in the right way.”
He refused to clarify what the donations were used for, saying only that the information would only be given in a private meeting.”
The organisation is banned in some countries for reasons including bible-burning, satan-promoting and have been the subject of a murder inquiry and parliamentary investigations as close to home as the UK and Belgium. In Ireland they receive charitable status naturally enough.
‘prey on people as much as religions do’ what an idiotic comment that has no place in this story (this is not an established fact merely the reporters biased opinion).
I believe in aliens aswell as goblins and witches bitches, fools are so easily parted from their money.
This is what you need Naomi Hawkins
Can they exorcise this hangover?
And they ignore my no junk mail sign on my door, just like the Catholic Church with their flyers, grrr
“The UCKG HelpCentre is not in a position to verify scientifically the accounts of medical cures or the causative effect of prayer and sacrifice. The UCKG HelpCentre is not allowed, by law, to claim that it has a cure for major illnesses, and is bound to warn viewers that they should not give up or lose faith in conventional medicine.”….but, Jaysus, we’d sure love to say all that crap.
If you’re stupid enough to think this will help you, then you deserve ripping off!
disgusting! vile for the low iqs!!!! If you would simply sit down and study for yourself …..then maybe they wouldn’t fall for all these new cash flows. http://www.sweetliberty.org/issues/hoax/scofield.htm
Why isnt this group reported my sister goes here i have warned her but shenever listens
They are banned in Zambia which is a very religious christian country if they banned there you know something is wrong