The good people of SARI (Sport Against Racism Ireland) are looking for 7-a-side teams for September’s ‘Soccerfest’ in Dublin.
It’s going to be the 18th year of the festival, and it’s due to take place on Saturday 13th and Sunday 14th of September down in the Phoenix Park. Deadline for registration is Friday 15th of August.
Here’s what their website has to say:
Soccerfest is open to men’s, women’s, Under-13’s and this year, for the first time, Under-15’s teams. The registration fee for men’s teams is €250. Women’s, Under-13 and Under-15 teams enter for free.
We welcome everyone to get involved whether to play, volunteer, support or bring the family for a fun day out. Music and entertainment for all ages is provided throughout both days.
If you have played at Soccerfest before we would be delighted to see you again and if you have not played before we are always keen to welcome new teams. There is limited availability of places and we operate on a first come first served basis so be sure to register as soon as possible!
Give SARI a follow on Facebook and download the application form here.