Mícheál Donnchaidh is a Nordie Socialist Party activist and political cartoonist. Here he lands a dig at the bigot bill allowing religious discrimination being pushed through by everyone’s favorite gang of party poopers the DUP.
Not only did their man Nelson McCausland ire the whole night time economy with a “chain up the swings” piecemeal attempt to sort out the place’s poxy licensing laws but the DUP also drove a leading restaurant owner out of the city. Say what you want about hipster chicken, but Jesus really did weep. Can we have no nice things?
And it’s all down to this bible bashing bollocks imported from the religious cess pools of America’s deep south. Before you fall off that Free State high horse about sectarian shit stirrers up North, don’t forget that our own Employment Equality Act. It more or less enshrines a conscience clause in education and health.
While the current government is pink-washing itself to co-opt support from the popularity of the same sex marriage referendum, the likes of our Minister For InEquality Aodhan O’Riordain shows zero courage to rip up Section 37 of our Employment Act and its reign of terror. Constitution, appetite, mumble mumble…
Not to stand idly by, a group called the Rainbow Project is organizing a string of demonstrations across the three cities this weekend to ram some “hello! It’s 2015” perspective into the whole affair up North.
Give the socialist satirist above an auld follow on the Tweet machine. Follow #ConscienceClause on Twitter for happenings up North and the protest event page here.
Michael Donaghy
This made my day haha
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