Not to be outdone by Fidelma Freely Memes, Galway East Senator Lorraine Higgins has taken to the tweet machine to launch a Condemn-A-Thon. Let he who doth not cast a stone be assumed to have sinned, or something (see 2007 for it’s last relevance).
Senator Higgins came to light when roaring about Brickgate a few months ago. Calling Ireland a “Lawless Utopia” (sounds good to us!) we got our first real sight of her only policy – outrage.
Prior to this Saturday’s Right to Water demonstrations the media has rolled out a sideshow using Mickey D as the mute clown who must be revered. Some “Says No” campaigners hurled some abuse at him last week and it’s been manufactured into the #JeSuisCharlie of this week. “Midget parasite” does not equal machine gun slaughter but you can’t tell our press that.
Paul Murphy, who it is claimed is ‘responsible for inciting violence’ has been pilloried for either supporting, inciting or not apologising correctly for the words of some people he isn’t engaged with while he was in Greece for Syriza’s election victory.
Over on social meeja we have the unelectable Higgins running the condemn-a-thon. When she finished calling Oireachtas Retort a “troll” for taking issue with her over fake job creation numbers she set about tweeting the good and the not so good on a “condemn or die” mission.
Meanwhile the rest of the world has been visiting, analysing, interviewing and arguing with or about the stunning Syriza victory in Greece and it’s possible repercussions for Europe and Ireland in particular.
Lorraine is the East Galway equivalent of Fidelma. Right thinking business heads who have little truck for this democrashambles where trolls and non-spongers can vote. If at first you don’t succeed try, try, try again and then get appointed by Enda.
Lorraine stood for a council seat in Loughrea, securing 809 votes and 10th place in a 7 seater. In the 2011 general election she coat-trailed Colm Keaveney (who subsequently left for Fianna Fáil when Labour got a bit too women’s rights) into 9th place in a 4 seater.
Bringing her new Labour mix of neo-liberalism to the Seanad was the next objective. 15th this time. 9 seater, 4 Fianna Fáilers ahead of her.
Shag it, we’ll give Europe a go.
Ninth. Jaysus, when Ronan “Briefcase Wanker” Mullen beats ya it’s time to throw the hat at it altogether. Enda picks up the phone and appoints Lorraine to the Seanad. “#AllAboutJobs” as she’d say herself.
Here’s a selection of Lorraine’s fine work from the last day or so:
She’s that much of a muppet that Kermit the frog would be classed as normal if standing beside her
Voice of the people clearly with her finger on the pulse of Loughrea….
The middle class conservative,reactionary face of the Labour Party, the same face as the Conservative with a “small c” type in the UK or the Fine Gaeler who does great work with the St. Vincent De Paul here. There are no politics here other than some very clear class distinctions….oh and a definite place on the Muppet Show.
What annoys me most is pages like this giving these people publicity. They thrive off negative press and make a name for themselves out of it. A fine example is Katie Hopkins. Just ignore these people and they soon disappear, simples.
has she nothing better to be doing?
what is her job ?
Lorraine, you comments yesterday ensured zero votes from this Galway Household.
This gave me a good laugh. Thank you Rabble.
Thanks Lorraine the champion of the inane, Wouldn’t know what to do acts totally insane comparing hurt and angry citizens of Ireland to terrorists and shame……..
She’s obviously a fool, as the electorate have recognised on several occasions, but I don’t see the tweet where she calls Oireachtas_RX a troll, or where Oireachtas_RX challenges the job creation figures she posted, which is what the article says happened. Oireachtas_RX seemed more interested in exposing Labour’s tacit hostility to the likes of Syriza, and didn’t actually make any comment regarding the figures posted by Higgins. Is Rabble embellishing things for the sake of a more entertaining read? Don’t do that, for goodness sake.
“Fidelma Freely Memes” is brilliant
Lorrraine is not so shy when it comes to dishing it out either, Remember this and this and of course her arrogance thinking she can park where she likes The electorate showed her what they thought of her.
She gives Blondes a bad name….
Explaining the T.T. I.P. maybe Today was the D day
Is there any stupider breed than the Labour Senator?
She’s not representing anyone because she’s not elected .
i think her objective was to incite violence at protests to ensure a win for the elite… or maybe she cares about Ireland and uses language designed to annoy everyone so we get out and protest – being a martyr for Ireland… hmmm… nah, clearly not enough integrity to play a long game against injustice, just selfish protectionism
Lorraine Smyth – ‘Lorraine’ and ‘truck’ in one paragraph.
What a load of bollox…
If this keeps going the way it is – a decent chap like the President can forget about where to put those little posies of flowers that used be given by sweet children when he rocked up at disadvantaged schools in a convoy of merc’s – no – he will need a sliced pan that he can throw out the window so that they will all scramble for a crust and then they will be grateful to him for coming….
what is it about the senate just get rid of it since most do not turn up, or go into the bar and reenter the senate for their time,to go back to the bar again, only two senators sorry three with balls, one zapone should be taoiseach, no bullshit, barrett, economic specific, and the south african all the rest fucked out i say.