Should you have a right to water or is the Sunday Times’ economist spilling the beans on the government’s plan following the next election?
Cormac Lucey of The Sunday Times seems to think people who don’t pay their water charges should get their water cut off. Take a look at this video posted by Facebook user Brian Ó Huiginn. Give it a click to view it.
Remember the, ahem, leaks to RTÉ’s in-house Garda rep Paul Reynolds about the imminent arrests on kidnapping charges of anti-water tax protestors?
Yeah, they still haven’t happened although there is an internal inquiry into possibly criminal leaks of DPP directions.
Anyway – this Saturday from 2pm, if you’ve not been intimidated by the various strands of [REDACTED] media or the nyardee, there’s the latest national demo against Irish Water.
As many as 70% refused to pay the first bills and we believe that number is only increasing.
Burn baby burn.
Full details of the event are over on Facepuke. Get inviting.
Capitulated quisling
Oh no, what will we ever do? collect rainwater? but theres so little of that!
Former PD advisor. Nuff said.
Fucking lackey knows what side his butter in buttered on!
Ah now he did say something very intelligent- cut out the bullshit and give the people a goddamn referendum. T’would result in a landside vote against the water charges and that should be the end of it!