It’s Thursday isn’t it? That means it’s time to start thinking about the weekend. Here’s a round up of some of the party action taking place across this wee island of ours over the next few days.
Room 19 take over Jigsaw venue tomorrow with their Party For The People . Nice people they are too, nice tunes, BYOB and it’s all going to Dublin Calais Refugee Solidarity!
If big room techno is more your thing you’ll do no worse than DAX J, and on support over in Hangar you have the consistently excellent live show of DeFeKT.
Check out DAX J Black Pegasus above.
Not in Dubland? Techno Fridays return in Cork and Mechanical Jazz presents Jon Hussey in Tullamore. Our pick of the weekend is up in Belfast. Dialogue are throwing their second party and you’re guaranteed a great night. Check out this Bustard & Gray mix for a taste.
On Saturday Eamonn Doyle of D1 Records is spinning tunes before Fatima Yamaha and Jackmaster in District 8. While across the river the Telephones crew are launching a monthly party.