With Grenfell Tower still bowling us over, here’s a track from late 2016 that captures some of the raw rage of a divided London.
It’s from Jammz and was put on his I Am Grime label. It’s essentially a refix of Scott Garcia’s 1997 UK garage classic It’s A London Thing. While the original bumped along with a good time swagger, Jammz flips the mood on this one to dish some reality on the city today.
With the Grenfell Tower fire throwing light on the city’s divides and discrepancies, or as Jammz puts it, “every other street’s got a parallel lifestyle” – it’s a tune worth blaring. Lines like:
“Corporations move poor people out their homes / And they claim that they’re fixing the ends / And apart from pushing up all the rent prices / These Starbucks ain’t doing shit for the ends”
Come thick and fast – so anyone still puzzled over that whole #grimeforcorbyn thing need scratch their heads no longer.
Read the lyrics here.