Win a complete collection of rabble back issues, a hape of merch and two tickets to our party on Friday.
Is it too early to start talking about the weekend? Never! Well, we have this one sorted. Six years ago this September, the first copies of rabble spread across Dublin like a dose of the session flu. Oh what a sharp rupture with the ad rags and mouthpieces for power it was!
To mark this joyous continued kicking against the pricks, we’ve put all our back issues up online for viewing as PDFs for the first time. That’s a whole tonne of toilet reading to be done.
As you know by now there’s is gonna be 6th Birthday Party Buzz In Jigsaw On Culture Night coming up so we’ve got two tickets to give away with a complete collection of back issues & whatever random merch we can find.
All we ask is that you “like or share” this post on Facepuke. We’ll pick a name from a hat & announce the winners on the comments thread come Thursday.
Remember, we are trying to build a fundraising community around our work over on Patreon. If you want to see more banging print issues then we need every bit of help we can get!