Colours and faces swim past him as he readjusts to the light and tips out his cigarette with a hairless white arm. He glances at his desk, completely clean with a gilded leather finish replaced only this week reflecting the city lights outside. He has relinquished all forms of paper communication.
Left In the Cold.
Last year playwright Alan O’Brien won the PJ O’Connor Award for Best New Radio Drama with Snow Falls and So Do We. rabble sent Sean Finnan along to chat to Alan about the play and why he refused RTÉ permission to broadcast the drama. So I guess to start with, what’s the play about? It was inspired by the death of Rachel Peavoy. When that happened I was amongst many … Read More
Beyond Repeal.
On the back of the huge momentum that has been building in opposition to our antiquated abortion laws, Rosi Leonard imagines a world beyond Repeal, a world where this energy spreads into challenging other aspects of society.
Flash Fiction: Marks and Sparks. 5:07pm
The shop was underground, a cavernous space of exclusivity for the chosen few who trail home from the office, dressed in the kind of suit that a culchie would be garbed in for their funeral. There was a corpse like quality to the beings that haunted the isles. Each one a spectre of loneliness, absorbed in haute-cuisine meals for one – the antithesis of Sarah’s idea of what a meal … Read More
#FlashFiction: Dark Madonna
She decided to stop washing herself. She decided to stop grooming herself in any way whatsoever. I don’t know if she continued wiping herself after going to the toilet. I don’t know how she dealt with menstruation, or if she avoided it altogether by taking the pill. If she made any exceptions to her filth regime, they were not obvious.The stink was obvious. It was dense, and complex. It had … Read More