In the first of a three-part series Ronan Burtenshaw interviews Guardian journalist Gary Younge about his new book ‘The Speech’ and the legacy of ‘I Have a Dream’.
A Magdalene Story
Ronan Burtenshaw interviews Martina Keogh – a survivor of the Gloucester (now Seán McDermott) Street Laundry – about her experiences of incarceration and forced labour at the hands of the Church and state. Martina Keogh was sixteen when she was arrested for fighting in 1966. Originally from Whitefriar Street in the south inner-city she spent much of her childhood in institutions or struggling with a sexually-abusive step-father. At her court … Read More
Roma, Racism And Tabloid Policing: Interview With Gary Younge
Younge: “The Roma have much more to fear in Europe from the state and non-Roma communities than non-Roma have ever had to fear from them… This is tabloid journalism followed by tabloid policing.”
Turkish Protests: Sixth Death as Struggle Renews
On Monday the mass protest movement in Turkey was given another martyr. 22-year-old Ahmet Atakan died in a confrontation with police in the Armutlu district of Antakya in the southern Hatay province. Protestors and witnesses say he died after being shot in the head with a gas canister. The local governor’s office and state TV deny this, saying he fell from a building. Selim Matkap, head of Hatay’s chamber of … Read More
Under The Influence
Since 1833, legislation on intoxicating liquor and associated socialising has always come at the behest of special interest groups such as the Church, the Vintners, Dev or the supermarkets. Simon Price looks at what we’re up against. The last ten years have seen government legislate NAMA and bank bailouts to the ruination of the country while any moves to alter the status quo surrounding Irish nightlife have met fierce resistance … Read More
Baa Baa Black Sheep, Have You An Excuse?
Eat Your Children TRAILER from Stinging Hornet Films on Vimeo. We’ve all had barstool conversations about our nation’s compliance with austerity, now someone has decided to make a film about it. rabble caught up with Treasa O’Brien of Too Good To Resist, as they run into the last nail biting days of their appeal. Okay, so first up – can you give me some idea of what motivated … Read More
An Interview With Come Here To Me.
We started CHTM! at a perfect time when blogging, social media and the idea of User Generated Content (UGC), I think, really exploded in popularity. Blogs began to be taken more seriously, Facebook offered the chance for websites to set up their own ‘pages’ for their fans to engage with and people working in history and archives began to see the benefits of utilising social media for crowdsourcing etc. We also appeared at a time when more and more older people, whether Dubliners or ex pats, started to use the web and digitize their old photos and vinyl records. At the start of 2009, there were 400k Facebook users in Ireland. It’s close to 2.5m now.
Walk of Shame
The Lisbon Referendum ~ Everything boiled down to tangential and meaningless soundbites that shied away from tackling the complexities in favour of simplistic sloganeering and obfuscating scaremongering.
[contributor calls] Any Idea For rabble#5?
Its that again – panic strikes and we realise we have to start getting another issue together to satiate the hunger of our readers.
[Sky Wizard Affairs]Silence of these Lands
How did this relationship start, and how did it give birth to a silence which settled on this land like a fog, hiding monsters, suppressing truth and bringing with it a creeping fear?