The corners cut and shortcuts taken during Ireland’s property boom mean that Priory Hall, negative equity and half-finished ghost estates are but the very tip of a continental-shelf sized iceberg, and every day brings new titanic tales of grief and misery. The latest mayday to reach our ears came in a short, single word: Pyrite. Pyrite occurs naturally in certain rock formations. Left alone in the ground it’s … Read More
Gombeen #5: Dermot Desmond
Out there among the clusterfucks of wholesale financial “products”, Desmond broods over his €1.35 billion fortune and laughs in the face
of the now deceased “Robin Hood Tax” which Consigliere Noonan sorted out recently, ensuring speculative behaviour on the markets will not be be reasonably taxed.. No! That cold, hard cash has to come from Household Charges, Water Taxes and Civil Service Pensions.
No Justice, No Piece.
ADW has taken a stanley blade to our post-boom wreckage in more ways than one. carving numerous stencils and hurling well-aimed barrages of humour at the myopic fools that landed us here. We were more than a little peeved to see him getting his knuckles rapped at the Kings of Concrete. Redmonk caught up with him and found out what happened.
Let’ s Build A Reader Supported Print Publication In 2013!
In September rabble turned one. We’re just about getting the hang of things as our team of reprobates grows. The late night work sessions are still there, but they contain less of the nicotine and coffee fueled last minute content generation than before. The standard of our content, both word and image gets better and better. We’re confident that rabble is growing into one of the freshest print publications Ireland has seen … Read More