GREAT news for #ParisBakery workers: just got official confirmation from Revenue that they’re stepping in, so the workers can FINALLY leave! — MigrantRightsCentre (@MigrantRightsIR) June 10, 2014 This literally just in. A press release from the Migrant Rights Centre saying the Paris Bakery Occupation is ending at 17:30. The occupation was 19 days in. The workers had spent part of yesterday talking about the possibilities of a co-op. According to … Read More
Exploitation Baguette Solidarity
The practically omnipotent Paula G strikes with another video insight on fightbacks here. Tara Keane, a former La Senza worker (remember them?) had this to say: I was working for La Senza, a highly successful retailer in Ireland. We worked all through Christmas, all through New year without being paid and then one night we got a phone call from England saying “don’t come to work tomorrow.” We made the decision … Read More
It Was A Very Crusty Protest.
‘No pay is not ok. Enda must act!’ Big protest at Dáil now as #ParisBakery workers demand justice. @MigrantRightsIR — Ruairí McKiernan (@ruairimckiernan) June 4, 2014 #ParisBakery workers and supporters at the Dáil — Workers Solidarity (@WSMIreland) June 4, 2014 Good support for the #ParisBakery workers demonstrating outside Leinster House @labouryouth @YoungWorkersNet @siptu — Marty O’Prey (@MartyOPrey) June 4, 2014 They came armed with baguettes and supporters. … Read More
Bread And Circuses
Ministers Joan Burton and Joe Costello visited the Paris Bakery on Monday and met with workers and supporters occupying the premises. The workers have been left without wages (as detailed here) and are occupying until they find justice. Union representatives had choice words for the visiting Ministers and left them in no doubt that this better be more than a photo opportunity following a disastrous election weekend for Labour. Results are needed … Read More
Occupy Your Rights: Employees Entitlements
Following the success of the Vita Cortex workers’ occupation, employees of businesses in financial trouble may look to sit-ins as a way of securing their entitlements. Here’s a handy guide drawn up by Hayes Solicitors. Worth noting that Employees are ‘Preferred Creditors’ in Ireland but ranked behind ‘Revenue, Liquidator and holders of fixed charges [usually banks]’. In the UK the Crown (the equivalent of Revenue) was removed as a … Read More
No Dough Low Blow, Owners Call The Po Po
The unpaid workers from Paris Bakery have occupied the premises on Moore Street. Gardaí were called and the owner Yannick Forel and staff were spoken to. It seems that undercover Gardaí on site were not going to prevent the occupation of the premises earlier today. Follows the statement issued by workers, see links at bottom for continued updates. UPDATE: Billy Wall from OPATSI Union (representing the workers) is denied access by … Read More
Yeast-er Rising
The French are Revolting. As many as 20 staff of the Paris Bakery restaurant on 18 Moore St. are picketing the premises this morning over unpaid wages. Reports from staff who arrived to work this morning at the historic address are that they found themselves locked out without notice. Some haven’t been paid since March, one worker claims to be owed €3,o00. The Bakery’s premises is due to be bulldozed … Read More