Humble Serpent is a new record label launched at possibly the worst time you could pick to launch a record label. Sean Finnan caught up with one of the founders, vinny dermody, a 17 year veteran of Ireland’s independent scene with The Jimmy Cake to find out what kind of a contrary bastard starts a label at a time like this.
The Future Devoured?
Aiysha Teegan argues the Irish government is allowing us to freewheel off a dangerous slope of heart disease and climate destruction. Here she takes a look at how the Irish Farmers Organisation has us by the cajoles and how we are falling behind on our environmental commitments.
Out Of His Bleedjin Shoebox.
Aoife Davis chats to Ciaran Nugent, Power FM broadcaster, DJ and flyer collector about his experiences with clubbing in Dublin and his ongoing research around club flyers. Providing her with a glimpse into a pivotal moment in Ireland’s recent past told through the medium of flyers, posters, goodie bags and teaser packs.
A HUNREAL listen so it is
We were frustrated at the polarised, un-analytical, stop watch style of broadcasting around the Repeal referendum. The interpretation of the broadcasting rules means that two sides are being pitted against each other in debates that don’t lend themselves to thoughtful, meaningful conversations.
The Hateful Eighth.
Above: Paul Reynolds caught this very telling photograph at last year’s Rally For Life. Since its introduction in 1983 the 8th amendment has created an environment where responsibility of control for the pregnant woman is in the hands of the Health Care Provider. For practicing midwives, this is a scary position to be in. Polly Molotov is a registered midwife and general nurse and takes us through the problems it creates. It … Read More