The truth of it is that any new legislation or wording to the law should be done with delicacy and foresight. Assurances should be in place that new laws don’t have a negative impact on our economy, especially when we are desperate to portray ourselves as a good place for modern businesses to set up shop and take advantage of a skilled and available workforce. This kind of draconian action doesn’t do us any favours.
[Flash Fiction] Queueing For A Bruising.
It’s true that all sorts are on social welfare. They practically let anyone sign on. Which, is often wonderfully amusing as Georgia Corcoran finds out.
[Fashion Whores] Hot To Trot
A well-bred filly knows how to dress to impress so here’s the essential girl’s guide to winning best turned-out in the paddock.
Diary Of A Newly Made Cripple 3
When I was a two-legged freak like most of the world, I went to Tesco for the same reasons as most people – it’s closest. So, in an attempt to control my lazy spending in said establishment, I cycled through the local branch on a bike and pulled a few skids in front of customer service at 7am after a party last summer. True story. It worked a treat – barred from Tesco and forced to buy better products in better stores 500 metres down the road.
[Take Five] Coddle, Micro-Breweries and more…
Ah the aul Dublin Coddle, sure ye can’t beat it. But c’mere to me, yiz know it’s one of the most tasty meals a mammy can cook up for her chizzlers, but did yiz also know where the meal itself came from.
Board Walk Empire
It’s difficult not to pass a decorated traffic light pole in Dublin city centre today. While the City Council seem to be working over-time to remove stickers from just about everything in Dublin, Donal Fallon fills us in on how each of the four big football clubs in the city have done their bit to ensure visitors are aware of their presence.
[Booze Culture] Let’s Raise The Bar.
Built on the idea of rejecting the kind of fast-buck logic that caused the economic crash and replacing, the Dublin Pub Co-Op wants to redefine the ownership model of your local boozer . So is this a well-intentioned but idealistic project or an inspiring example of the traditional co-operative movement? Sharon Love chats to some of the heads behind the project and finds out.
The Rise of the BYOB Venue
Promoters are always on the look out for a new venues and spaces to put on gigs. Casting a quick eye over the PA system, checking out what kind of desk they have and trying to gauge roughly how many dancing bodies could be squeezed into a room have often become a distraction when they’re out and about. These ‘distractions’ sometimes lead to on the spot conversations with the bar staff or management about opening hours, budgets and availability. Needless to say, oftentimes stiff opening hours and uptight policies can be a huge put off.
#rabbleEye: Uncommon Land
The explanation they give is that the streets are “private”. They were owned by property developers, but now that most of Tallaght Cross has passed into NAMA, the streets essentially belong to the proverbial people. Yet those people cannot take photographs in the street, even though an array of CCTV cameras record their every move.
{Housing} Hand-Me-Down Housing.
The census records of 1911 show that some of the Georgian buildings, initially built to house one well-off family, now accommodated up to 20 families and over 100 people. The results of this were felt most dramatically in September 1913 when two adjacent buildings on Church Street collapsed, killing four children and three adults.