TabTV interviews EDL
Nick Harris and Max Toomey of TabTV wanted to see what the EDL was really like. Here’s what happened when they spent a day inside the Cambridge protest.
The Tab is an online Cambridge undergrad zine. It receives criticism for it’s stance on class (it’s Cambridge, they’re bound to be a bit posh!) but a moot point in this instance as the interviewer can have little option but to find the EDL laughable or loathsome.
The presenter and cameraman are probably lucky they didn’t get a beating. Bearing in mind the violence associated with these fascists the reporters were taking their own safety for granted. A cursory search for EDL post-demonstration arrests will find plenty of examples such as this from a Bolton demo.
rabble isn’t publishing this blogpost lightly, we don’t agree with giving fascism a platform but feel that there is nothing in the associated videos and links that could be misconstrued as glamourising the far-right in any way.
Cambridge branch of Unite Against Fascism recently earned support for their demonstration against French fascist Marine Le Pen who spoke to an invited student audience in Cambridge. This event garnered support for the Cambridge counter demonstration when the English Defence League came to town last weekend.
For background from The Tab see their report here
For more from the Cambridge UAF see here
For the UAF Facebook see here
There is an actual English Disco Lovers group who exist purely to take the piss out of the EDL.
ah Rob…we know!
Ah what a great advertisement for their cause they are, bless’em
What fine examples of humanity!
Is it wrong to find this really really funny
terrifying stuff from the #EDL http://t.co/XaZuYz1unl