rabble is at South Studios in Dublin 8 (it’s gayer than D7 but not as hipster, or something, check the Irish Times). We’re waiting for Rob Manuel (of the inimitable B3ta) and Ed Levin to take the stage.
The Spiel for Spiel goes like this –
“Racism; typos; filth; spam; ignorance; rage – that’s all the bottom half of the internet is good for, right? Rob Manuel wants you to question the internet dictum, most beloved of high-profile columnists, that you should ignore all of the comments all of the time. The ‘war on comments’, he reckons, might just be an echo of a fourth estate that’s having trouble adjusting to the idea of an unwashed public disagreeing with their sacred opinions. Sous les pavés, la plage. “
There’s a definite whack of hipster and new media, spiced with craft beer and the flapping of indoor scarves but hey we’re down with that.
rabble will file a report once we get through this six pack.
some of the crowd…
rabble is gone hipster for the night, we’re supping Bishop’s Finger and beard-stroking at a media event. *chills* http://t.co/ay5tFi0ueb