Youth Defence. Remember them? At last weekend’s poorly attended ‘
Next is a possible legal challenge to the Protection of Life During Pregnancy Act and they are awaiting publication of the HSE guidelines she says. I doubt any piece of legislation received such scrutiny before passing but Youth Defence know best. Considering it was anti- choice legal genius which gave us the X Case to begin with, it will be interesting to see how eager they are to get the constitutional ball rolling again.
Something Niamh was particularly foaming about was a new “major campaign” targeting Irish Times advertisers. Unperturbed by last year’s failure to “flex our pro-life muscle” the impact of such a campaign remains to be seen but I have no doubt that the Irish Times will only be flattered to be singled out as responsible for so much of Youth Defence’s woes.
There was also talk of continuing to “build their own pro-life media platforms”. Whether this extends beyond posting articles from America for their American followers on facebook is anyone’s guess.
Up north meanwhile, Bernadette Smyth is not happy. In a speech that swung between fire, brimstone and self-praise, Sinn Féin were singled out for particular opprobrium after scuttling last year’s attempt to close Marie Stopes in Belfast. Bernadette was particularly keen to get the numbers out for July’s Rally for Life in Belfast and urged attendees “not to be distracted by other, minor pro-life events”. I wonder who she could be referring too?
Odd claim about the Irish Times not allowing the use of the term pro-life in reportage. Quick google search:
Ooooh there is a whole bag of crazy on that stage, and I’m not even finished the video!
““not to be distracted by other, minor pro-life events”. I wonder who she could be referring too?”
Who might that be, the Iona heads?
The lighting is fairly full on isn’t it, they’d be representing the fiery depths of hell (Cavan) I’d imagine
they come on stage and high five….i turned it off right there….and read some Dana fliers to cheer me up….Ireland births some serious loons from time to time…