The Liberties’ Heads tell us more about our recent past than any trawl through the newspapers or Reeling in the Years. So claims Anarchaeologist.
{Infographic} The Benefit of 100% Wealth Tax.
An infographic by Redmonk
Gombeen #2: He’s Not A Naasist, Swear.
When an Irish mayor is getting publicity from the Guardian, CNN and The Brisbane Times you know he must have done something special.
{Web} Black List The Bastards
A quick search on that old go-to turns up a couple of possibilities. But, before making a phone call, you yawn, scratch your bits, and open a new tab on your web browser. Click, clack, the search engine does the work and you feast your red-rimmed, half-crossed marbles on this beauty: Or
So, What Happened The Three Fs?
The current mess we are in is often explained by an unusual obsession with bricks and mortar rooted in a colonial history. The Irish love to own their own home because those nasty Brits didn’t let us, it’s the spectre of the famine all over again. At best these myths obscure the true reasons behind Ireland’s current economic situation.
{Housing} Landlord Horror Stories.
Ah yes, those racketeering parasites that cream it in from your rent receipts while you live in a ramshackle hovel. rabble assembled this collection of tales to chill your spine. “It was so cold that when I plugged in my phone to charge in my bedroom it said ‘will not charge at this temperature’. As it came into Summer, a horrific smell filled the flat; we sourced it coming from … Read More
rabble #2 is out now! Landlords, Ballymun hip-hop and a pull out Where’s Wally poster of Dublin.
When we start putting together an issue we never know where it’s going, this one started off with murmurs about looking at the poxy manner in which the state constantly transfers public wealth into the coffers of private landlords, then took on anti-social behaviour, landed some digs at the national broadcaster, examined policing in working-class areas, got fed up with late night transport and lots of other random bits in between.
RTE Scum.
In a world where Fade St and The Hills masquerade as reality TV, we need to deliver a sharp kick up the hole to the lifestyle choices and cultural values purporting to represent common lived experiences on RTE.