Smile, bend over & apply the vaseline
Labour and other European ‘socialists’ are marketing a new campaign to get *5.8/5.7/5.5million young people into work (*different numbers from their own stats)
We presume this is the happy-clappy, stop-motion way of telling you to get into JobBridge or fuck off to Australia.
By the way, the lad in the video is supposed to represent an under-25 European.
They’re creating hipster jobs for everyone. (not really, they’re subsidising supermarkets & calling it… http://t.co/AcRbRCdlK9
A huge problem with the left in Ireland is they dismiss everything, even when its actually a good idea. I can’t see how investing six billion euro into jobs and training for young people is a bad thing, and it isnt job bridge either, a quick bit of research would reveal that.
True that.
are they creating new businesses that pay wages then?
33 seconds
A quick bit of reasearch Chris Murphy. Work Placements and Internship. Based on systems in 3 countries, it sort of worked in one, it had an effect (vague) in another & they don’t mention what happened in the third. This is promoted by Labour who decided to put the planning of the 1913 centenary in the hands of a JobBridger.
From Youth.ie:
The youth guarantee would offer a young person aged 18
to 24 a job, work experience, apprenticeship, training or
combined work and training within a defined period of
time after leaving school or becoming unemployed. It is
recommended by the European Commission that the youth
guarantee should be offered to young people within 4 months
of becoming unemployed.
Why is it needed?
The unemployment rate amongst young people in Ireland
currently is 29.7%1 and 30,8152 young people are long
term unemployed (12 months or more). Ireland also has
the 4th highest rate of young people “not in education,
employment or training” in the EU at 18.4%. The impact
of unemployment on young people and the social and
economic cost associated with youth unemployment are of
significant concern and require immediate action.
Has it been tried elsewhere?
Yes, a youth guarantee scheme has been in operation in a
number of European countries namely Sweden, Finland and
Austria for a number of years.
Does it work?
The evaluations of the youth guarantee scheme in Finland
indicate that it has reduced youth unemployment and
inactivity. It is estimated in Sweden that 46% of participants
have benefited from participation in a youth guarantee
scheme. The Swedish and Finnish schemes were found to
be more effective for young people who were new to the
labour market than those who were long-term unemployed.
This is something that would have to be addressed when
the scheme is implemented in Ireland.
There are positive things being done, done get us wrong. But when it walks like a duck etc.
Here’s something http://www.dbs.ie/courses/momentum caught our eye this evening
Based on no research whatsoever, I can guarantee you that this thing will, of course, be a farce.
Based on experience I can guarantee that job bridge is a revolving door of unpaid temporary slave labour employees. Have witnessed 5 peoples go thru the doors in the last couple of years and think there was a scheme before that through which several other people passed. Meanwhile there is one delighted wealthy business owner.
Wow look that that box of gold! Wow look at that raised eye brow! What great soundtracking! And a moving birthday cake? Who is this PES? I am very excited to finally see someone recognize my future is their future. Where must I go in order to visibilise the campaign through solidarity? Where do I mobilize my friends? To the Tesco isles comrades! One more push!
It is ,quite simply, a fucking disgrace.
The right wing parties like the Tory scum in the UK LOVE this shit. It means they can bypass the minimum wage, which they were against in the first place. Bastards, total bastards.