Pictured at the launch of an exhibition dedicated to the life and legacy of C.L.R. James. See more here.
Selma James is a cult icon for many with an interest in the history of the thinking left.
She was one of the co-authors of The Power of Women and the Subversion of the Community with Mariarosa Dalla Costa. They argued that women’s unpaid labor was a central plank in holding up the market economy.
The documentary linked to above looks at some of these ideas through conversations with a local woman’s lib group in 1970’s Britain. Eye opening stuff that takes in consumerism, the misery of housework routine and a whole lot more.
PRAXIS and Equality Studies are proud to announce that a Communiversity event will take place on Tuesday March 12th 2013 2.30 – 4.30pm E114, UCD Newman (Arts) Building where renowned activist and author Selma James will address the theme DEFENDING CARING AND WELFARE IN CARELESS TIMES. The event comes at a time when austerity policies, triggered by the global economic meltdown, are devastating already-burdened communities. In particular, the rights and entitlements hard-won over the years by carers, overwhelmingly women, are being senselessly eroded. Despite all of this, care work and other work that women must do for the survival of families and communities continues, unabated and uncelebrated.
Admission is free however booking is essential as places are limited. Contact margaret.crean@ucdconnect.ie to reserve your booking. Carers and community activists are particularly encouraged to attend. This is PRAXIS’ second Communiversity event: the first examined economic alternatives to capitalism and was held in UCD in April 2012.
We strongly advise booking too, this will be well over subscribed.
And Maynooth on Wednesday! https://www.facebook.com/events/434558793298475/
I don’t agree with a lot of the views of Selma James as they are quite extreme, but I like the sound of this-
“We are entitled to a social existence without having to take another job out of our homes. Mothers too have a right to work less. Young children as well as women are imprisoned in their homes. But we don’t want them to go to a State institution instead. Children, women and men must be able to learn from each other and break the ghetto existence to which they are each confined. We will then begin to destroy the State’s authority over our children and our possession of them.In the same way as children are to be wrested from the State, so old people, and the mentally and physically ill must come back to the community’s care. ”
This view contradicts recent sounds from the government about extending state child care and financing this by cutting child benefit-a crude attempt to take control of resources from parents and transfer them back to the State. I think this sort of social engineering should be strongly resisted. There should also be recognition of the unrewarded work of carers instead of attempts to hit this vulnerable group.
Today in UCD- Selma James- ‘women’s unpaid labor is a central plank in holding up the market economy’ http://t.co/vX5HZMmBrN