Enoch Burke, anti-gay and running for ‘Equality Officer’
NUIG students are going to the polls again this week. Enoch Burke a prominent anti-gay campaigner is conflating paedophilia with homosexuality AND standing for Equality Officer.
Last week rabble covered the attempts by Ireland’s Phelps family and assorted bigots to shut down NUIG Students Union support for Womens’ Rights and Palestinian Human Rights. Now the same family are back, running for office and campaigning against Gay Rights.
Enoch Burke (pictured top) the auditor of the Christian Union Society in NUIG is campaigning for the Union’s position as Equality Officer in the March 13th elections. Enoch is well known for his virulently anti-gay views, quoting Leviticus, running the anti-gay ‘Campaignforconscience.org’ website and the anti-David Norris website.
In the literature for the upcoming referendum in which the Union asks students if they wish to support calls for equal rights for heterosexual and homosexual couples, Enoch’s Christian Union Soc conflates homosexuality with paedophilia.
See the society posters below:
Lucy Costello Shannon Fahy Liam O’ Brien Dean Buckley
Wow, John Waters eat your heart out.
A case for RON if ever there was one!!
Equality Officer? oh, the irony….
Is this an Onion article?
You just beat me to it, Jawine! Could not make this shit up…
Terence O’Reilly
isn’t that an oxymoron? or maybe just a plain moron
Here’s another poster
I believe he or one of the other Burkes was carrying this sign at the last Rally for Liife in Dublin: https://www.facebook.com/ShitYDStillSay/photos/a.522803661125280.1073741825.522800944458885/523123191093327/?type=1&theater
Aindreas Seamas O Seighin Paul Jigs
Would be Equality Officer campaigning against equality? Must be too much fluoride in his water…
Too bad having a bite on some shellfish or wearing two different types of clothing fabric you’ll bw on the wrong side of a stoning too. Oh and if you manage to have a daughter – well jaysus as you please really, rape, slavery, you want it you got it, ’cause you’re a MAN!
was “love thy neighbor” not an actual COMMANDMENT….
All these right wing Christians would have been first in line to crucify Jesus if they were around 2000 yrs ago. Hate filled hypocrites.
In other news Irony is alive and well
Jaysuss, Leviticus!!!
Don’t worry Helen , I know full we’ll. he doesn’t have a chance if winning BTW. Also he’s not just a committee member of the CU, he’s the auditor.
Heil Hitler… Er, shit, sorry, I mean, Heil Jesus!!
I did and I’m glad to see people are noticing!
Well if he thought Leviticus was deadly,wait until he gets to Samuel..
Holy shmoly. The ironing is delicious…
A great opportunity for the NUIG students to voice their opinions on what is going to be a very nasty national debate real soon. But I have faith in their generation. They wont be enslaved by narrow minded doctrine. Their future is their own to choose.
i guess it takes all sorts and each one is entitled to thier oppinion.
the mystical, eejit based nonsense of the olden times is beyond our comprehension (vote burke)
Hmm Leviticus must be right cause he went a learnt ye olde English ! Either that or he’s on the comedy writing team for ‘Family Guy’ !
Did they read Genesis or Leviticus in full? They’re both fucking crazy books, particularly the latter.
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