We’re not usually ones for poetry round these parts. Perhaps it’s only a literary vision that can give true expression to the horror of the Tuam Babies story.
Up steps Kevin Higgins. Kevin has an interesting background, spending the late 80s in London he was active in the poll tax movement before returning home and organising literary events down Galway like Over The Edge.
Kevin Higgins sent us in this piece here:
I’m the local schoolmistress who worked hard to know the zilch I knew about this.
I’m the Department Inspector who remembered the questions not to ask.
I’m the concerned citizen who never heard their heavy clogs go, by forced marches, up the Dublin Road.
I’m the editor of the Tuam Herald, who talked instead about the Pope’s visit.
I’m the Government Minister whose pink skull baldly admired the particular yellow of the roses by the newly whitewashed wall, and thanked the nuns for their work.
I’m the County Councillor concerned about the cost to the ratepayer -per skeleton- of piling that many small ones of whom no one had ever heard,
into a disused hole in the ground –one big concrete sarcophagus– no one knew anything about.
Give his blog a follow.