While Danny Healy-Rae was getting Ireland the kind of headlines we haven’t seen since Cowen’s departure, we thought we’d check the stats to see how many deaths weren’t quite enough for our mumbling asshat councillor-come-publican. Thanks to the people at the Road Safety Authority for the following statistics on Road Deaths in Kerry. 2004-2006 saw an average of 15 road deaths per year, 2008 saw a high of 19 deaths … Read More
Sunday Screen: Charles Haughey Parading
Here’s an old documentary of Charles Haughey parading around Ireland like the top notch prick he was. It’s a sure fire way to ruin that Sunday morning. We’d advise watching with extreme care. This video nasty came to us via Conor McCabe. He had this to say on it. “Charles Haughey’s documentary on how fabulously wealthy he was. Made in the 1980s it has Haughey flaunting his wealth while telling … Read More
Gombeen #5: Dermot Desmond
Out there among the clusterfucks of wholesale financial “products”, Desmond broods over his €1.35 billion fortune and laughs in the face
of the now deceased “Robin Hood Tax” which Consigliere Noonan sorted out recently, ensuring speculative behaviour on the markets will not be be reasonably taxed.. No! That cold, hard cash has to come from Household Charges, Water Taxes and Civil Service Pensions.
Gombeen #4: Eilis O’Hanlon
You wouldn’t think that Eilis O’Hanlon was bought up in working-class 70s west Belfast, the niece of IRA chief Joe Cahill. Part of a social group that was framed within the same language that she is now using against others.
Gombeen #3: Sean Sherlock TD
Sheriff Sherlock has come to our lawless internet outpost, six shooter at the ready. Boy thinks he’s gonna fuck with our downloads.
Gombeen #2: He’s Not A Naasist, Swear.
When an Irish mayor is getting publicity from the Guardian, CNN and The Brisbane Times you know he must have done something special.
Gombeen #1: Minister for Crocodile Tears.
Before UK firm Talk Talk casually disposed of its 575 Waterford staff it sent them an email pep-talk congratulating them on reaching set targets.
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